The wonders of Tennis Ball
The wonders of Tennis Ball; Take that pain off your body with just a Tennis Ball!
The wonders of Tennis Ball; Take that pain off your body with just a Tennis Ball!
Have you been having some kind of unrest just below your neck downwards?
I’ve had a good number of people tell me that they don’t think I can help them as a Physiotherapist because they had been exercising, yet their pain refused to go. This is because of an assumption that exercise is the same as Physiotherapy.
You may have heard the Doctor announce to you or someone that you know that he or she has spondylosis, either cervical, thoracic or lumbar.
Do you wake up with a muscle pull of the muscles of the back of your leg? THIS IS FOR YOU!!! Many times, we hear clients complain that muscle pull (spasms) woke them from sleep.
Patient: I’m having severe pain on my back. I’ve been having it for 4 years now. It comes and goes.
Physiotherapist: What have you been doing about your pain?